System Activities "Send Email" make TDP 5.06.97 crash

Since i uprade to 5.06.97 version of TDP, in autoamtion scripts, the "Send Email" activity crash Toad when i click on
"Add Attachement".

Toad crash again when running scripts containing attachements...

do i downgrade ?

Help !

Can you post the error stack? if not, please open support case and we can look into this. There are no other known issues with sending email. it is possible it just a configuration problem.

Thanks Debbie, i'm confused !
After uninstall then reinstall, everything seems to work normally.
Probably a shared library locked during first install...

Thanks for support us ! :wink:



Again !

With more information this time !
Toad don't respond after clicking on "add attachments" but with a particular script.
This script generates 80 differents csv files ! I hope it's too much (lot of activities to fetch to find available attachments)...
Wrong ?