Hi Toad Experts.
I'm wondering if it's possible to schedule a weekly report displaying the Tablespace Space Usage History Graph and Data?
I had a look at automation designer but i could not see anything that would help me here.
Below is a sample report that I would like to be able to setup via Toad and schedule it to run at different intervals
There’s no ‘built in’ way to do that, but it would be pretty easy to do something like this in Database -> Report -> Reports Manager. The query below is what the Space History Graph uses. I’ve attached a quick how-to on making a chart in the report designer. Once you have it set up, you can use the toolbar button in the Reports Manager to schedule it.
If you just want to export the data on a regular basis, use the query below and export it from an “Export Dataset” action.
select Tablespace, MDate, Sum(UsedSpace) Used
WHERE Tablespace =
Group by Tablespace, MDate
Order by Tablespace, MDate
MakingAChartInFastReport.docx (455 KB)
Thanks John. I’m trying to build a report that shows the tablespace growth on a chart by week number. e.g. 201501, 201502 etc…
So X axis is the space used and YAxis is the date.
SELECT to_char(MDate,‘YYYYIW’),MDate, SUM (UsedSpace) Used
WHERE Tablespace = ‘SNWDATA’
Group by to_char(MDate,‘YYYYIW’),MDate
Order by MDate
Can you help me design this?
Thanks John. I'm almost there but I'm hitting one issue when displaying the graph. When i select MB's used as the label, it changes the X-Axis to MB's used also. See attached
On 16 February 2015 at 14:38, John Dorlon bounce-jdorlon@toadworld.com wrote:
RE: Tablespace Space History - Schedule a report showing the Graph and Data
Reply by John Dorlon
See attached.
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Hm, yeah, I see what you’re talking about. There is a sample report called “Employee Distribution” that does it right, but comparing the two, I don’t see why the labels show the X value in one report but the Y values in the other. If you want you can CTRL+C the “Employee Distribution” graph and CTRL+V it onto your report, changing the field names and report title and then it will give you what you want.
Ah - found it. In the Chart Editor, click the Series, then in the property editor, go down to Marks -> Style. Change it to smsValue.
This worked.
Thanks John.
On 17 February 2015 at 15:32, John Dorlon bounce-jdorlon@toadworld.com wrote:
RE: Tablespace Space History - Schedule a report showing the Graph and Data
Reply by John Dorlon
Ah - found it. In the Chart Editor, click the Series, then in the property editor, go down to Marks -> Style. Change it to smsValue.
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Hi John,
I need to email more than one recipient using the scheduler.
When go to Toad Options > Email Settings and put in 2 recipients in the to field johndoe@unknown.com, peterdoes@unknown.com it works in the test.
When i do the same when actually scheduling the report, the recipients never receive the mail. It works fine when inputting one recipient.
It works for me when I use a semicolon to separate email addresses instead of a comma.