TDM 5.5, Create DDL from select list problem


I am having problem to create DDL script with specific sequences only. I clicked SelectList tabpage, then selected specifics entities, packages and sequences to generate (sequences, packages corresponding to selected entities).

I saved this action under a name. If I load this settings and click generate, what I get is, DDL script with correct entities, but ALL packages, ALL sequences, not just packages, sequences chosen by me.

Am I doing something wrong or is it a bug???


Hi Lubo,

We have reproduced the issue, it is a bug, the saved selection is loaded, but it is not respected by the generator and therefore all objects are generated.

Thank you for bringing this to our attention, we have created a CR to address this issue - TDM-2003. Unfortunately, the fix will not make it into the upcoming Beta version, but it will be implemented in the next version of Toad Data Modeler after that.

We have found a workaround that can be used in the meantime:

  1. In the DDL Script Generation dialog, use Load Action to load your previous selection.
  2. Make a change, e.g. check/uncheck After Script in the What to Generate tab.
  3. Generate the script, you should get a wrong script where all sequences and packages are generated.
  4. Close the DDL Script Generation dialog, open it again and try to generate the script again. This time, it should be generated correctly - according to the loaded Action.
    The workaround is a bit tedious, but it seems that once you load your previous selection, make any change to it and generate script, the selection is actually saved and used once you reopen the dialog and generate the script again. We will try to fix this issue as soon as possible and we apologize for the inconvenience.



Thank you Lukas

It’s good to have at least temporary workaround :slight_smile: