TDM 6, Create entity and Attribute comments


After I enter Model action, and I click Entities and check to generate Comments…and I close it…program doesn’t keep this setting.

Generating script from model action doesn’t generate entity and attribute comments at all.

Tested on x86 version.

Any suggestions how to solve this?


Hello Lubo,

at first please specify version of Toad Data Modeler and Database(Oracle 12...).

I Tried TDM 6.0 (x86) with model oracle 12c and it looks like it works.

Do you mean check on "DDL Script Generation" dialog on what to generate settings(see picture below)?


  1. Open Model Action from Main Menu - Window - Model Action

  2. Focus Generate SQL item, right click on this item and from popup menu select "New Action Definition..."

  3. Select Tab "What to Generate", expand entities branch and check "Comments" (check that in extended value is "Create Entity and Attribute Comments")

  4. Click to OK => New Action will be available in Model Action tree

  5. Click to this new Action and from popupmenu select "Run Promtly" or "Run"

If you mean default setting for generate DDL, go to "main menu - Model - Generate DDL Script - Edit Default Settings..."



Yes, I mean DDL Generation dialog you mentioned.

TDM (x86), DB Oracle 11gR2

I click existing action in Model Action, Check comments, close dialog. After I open it again I see no change, button is alway unchecked.

Only thing which changes after this try is diskette in menu to save project.

If I select Run Promtly I see no comments in generated scripts now. Clicking in checkbox doesn’t make change in this.

I tried also " New Action Definition…" Same behavior here, button in dialog is always unchecked.

Difference is in Run Promptly. Generated script always has table and column comments.


Hello Lubo,

thank you for information.

Unfortunately this is bug registered in version 6.0.

It is repaired in latest Beta and in Full version will be probably in September. My recommendation is download latest Beta.


It can help me once I have added the table and columns in the model for updating comments and data type.

Sorry buddy, this forum is intended for database modeler (Toad Data Modeler) users not 3D modeler (or any other computer graphics software) users. Take a look somewhere else.

Have a nice day, Michal