I haven’t updated our TDM models from Oracle in about 6months (They don’t change much.). I am trying to do so again. After attempting several updates, itappears that relationships are not being downloaded from Oracle. When Igenerate differences, all relationships in the destination model are listed asnot existing in the source model. Each of our models have aliases. So I load an alias. The next step is then to select the desired tables inthe model and proceed from there. I have the problem even when I selectCompare All. All of this used to work.
As an aside, on the Table window of the Model Update Wizard,how does the table filter work? I would like to enter theexpression: NOT LIKE (%_A) escape(‘\’) AND NOT LIKE (%_A) escape(‘\’). I want toeliminate tables whose names end in _A and _D.
there should be no reason for not loading relationships. I recommend you to do full reverse engineering to create new model and then compare original model with the newly created.
RE filter: it is useful if you wish to uncheck some property value, e.g. GlobalTemp for all entities. It doesn’t work perfectly for selecting objects, we plan to improve it.
I haven’t updated our TDM models from Oracle in about 6 months (They don’t change much.). I am trying to do so again. After attempting several updates, it appears that relationships are not being downloaded from Oracle. When I generate differences, all relationships in the destination model are listed as not existing in the source model. Each of our models have aliases. So I load an alias. The next step is then to select the desired tables in the model and proceed from there. I have the problem even when I select Compare All. All of this used to work.
As an aside, on the Table window of the Model Update Wizard, how does the table filter work? I would like to enter something like this expression: NOT LIKE (’%_A’) escape(’’) AND NOT LIKE (’%_A’) escape(’’). I want to eliminate tables whose names end in _A and _D.
I have taken one of my schemas and Reverse Engineered it again. After doing a Model Update, I see the relationships. But I noticed then that I had user data types, users and tablespaces. When I created my alias, I had only chosen entities (without triggers) and relationships. Any reason for the additional objects? I also see when I go back to the model that these 3 objects exist in the Physical Model Explorer. Is there a way to view and edit aliases?
Went back and again did a Model Update on a existing Model, relations still don’t exist. Could the alias definitions change since I last updated the model? We may have moved from Toad 10.6 to 11.0. This points again to how do you view and edit aliases.
some object may be loaded because they exist in reverse engineered objects. E.g. if you load a table that uses custom data type, the data type will be loaded also (TDM cannot set data type to non-existing item). For some cases there are specific setting in RE wizard (load objects from reversed schema only... and similar options).
I recommend you to do full RE and then model merge, where you can define what items should be merged or not. Alternatively, you can delete unwanted items from reverse engineered model and then merge them together (this step will simplify model merge operation).
RE aliases: in general it is not recommended to edit aliases. If you need to reverse engineer db structure with different settings, go through the wizard step-by-step or create new alias first. Instead of trying to edit existing alias and going through all the steps to verify it's OK, creation of new alias seems to make sense.
In any case, if you wish to see what is stored in alias files, click Settings | Options and in section Reverse engineering you can find path to alias files. All the files have XML file structure. Rename extension to XML and open it in firefox or MSIE to see XML. Then rename the files back to original extension.
The problem is with the old alias files. I created a new alias file and it worked. I then opened the alias files in an editor and found relations missing from the old file. I will have to redo all my alias files. Sigh.
Has there been a change in how the alias file is interpreted between the last revisions; i.e., the old version took entities as entities and relations. I am almost certain the old files used to work.
Two suggestions:
provide a way to view and edit alias files
format the alias files. To make the comparison easier, I had to go in and separate tags and attributes on different lines and indent tags and attributes.
thank you for your suggestions. Format of aliases might change from version to version.TDM should not have problems with loading previously defined aliases. If there was some issue, it might be a bug (we will do additional tests).