Team Coding: public snyonyms missing

Hello there!

Today I installed version Toad for Oracle Base Edition (64-bit)
So far everything seems to work great, but Team Coding seems to remove the Public synonyms from packages upon checking in.
In the TC settings we have synonyms activated. I also tried turning it off and on again but it didn't change. Upon checkin into Git, the synonyms are still gone.

Is this maybe an error or is there a new option somewhere that we are not aware of?

Thanks in advance!

Hi @Kuvick123,
Is TC removing synonyms from the database or is the synonym missing from the package script saved to file?

Can you provide steps to reproduce this issue?


Hello Pavel,

The current version in use by my team is Toad for Oracle Base (64-bit) Version 17.0.353.2906.
We've first had this issue with the 2024R1 Release and thus didn't upgrade to this one. Yesterday I downloaded the newest release (Oracle Base Edition (64-bit) and saw that the issue still occurrs and thus created the ticket.

How to reproduce:

  • have Team Coding active with Git as VSC software
  • as seen in the picture above, have the checkmark set to have synonyms in the vcs files
  • check out a file (in my example a package) that has Synonyms in the Git file

Upon check out I already am prompted the differences dialogue, which tells me that the DB version does not have the Synonyms.

There seems to be another bug: I cannot resolve the diff by clicking left or right side. None of the boxes can be checked. Also the Buttons (Use Left side in Merge, use right side) also do not seem to work?

Then when checking in, the Synonyms is gone from the Git file.

Doing the same with our current version (17.0.353), there is no Differences dialogue on checkout and the Synonyms are kept in the Git file.
Also we can use our current version to restore Synonyms deleted by the new version.

I hope this helps!

Thanks for the additional info. If you click "Switch sides" toolbar button in "Merge Files" dialog, you should be able to keep the synonym statement.

Hello Pavel,

Sorry for the late reply!
We tested your suggested fix, but unfortunately it doesn't work.
I also tried the most recent Toad version and the issue also occurs there.

How to reproduce:

  • same three steps as posted above
  • When checking out, use Merge Dialogue and hit "Switch sides"
  • mark Synonym lines such that they should be kept in merged file
  • Check In the file (including some other modified lines)

Synonym lines are gone with the Git commit.