The ongoing TOAD Infinity-AV™ editor problem

Versions : All versions, including current.

I've been using TOAD since the Toadman days, and for as long as I can remember there has been an issue where an AV occurs on an editor tab and then that is it :

  1. Cannot change the tab - AV
  2. Cannot close the tab - AV
  3. Cannot close any other tab - AV
  4. Cannot close the session - AV
  5. I am forced to task kill the TOAD process (as whatever I do I get AVs) and I lose work

I know the "Recover Documents" facility is supposed to mitigate against this, but the code in the other tabs isn't always in those recovered docs.

A development environment should ALWAYS allow the developer to save work. This AV issue happens way too often, has happened for years and really needs to be sorted once and for all. It seems to happen in relation to working with CLOBs or when a query has been execute, the data is active in the data grid and the connection drops out or something.

Here's part of the last AV content (sensitive info redacted according to my company policy)


  1.1 Start Date      : Fri, 22 May 2020 15:46:45 +0100
  1.2 Name/Description: Toad.exe - (Toad® for Oracle)
  1.3 Version Number  :
  1.4 Parameters      : 
  1.5 Compilation Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2020 19:41:23 +0100
  1.6 Up Time         : 18 day(s), 19 hour(s), 22 minute(s), 1 second(s)

  2.1 Date          : Wed, 10 Jun 2020 11:08:46 +0100
  2.2 Address       : 050FC293
  2.3 Module Name   : Toad.exe - (Toad® for Oracle)
  2.4 Module Version:
  2.5 Type          : EAccessViolation
  2.6 Message       : Access violation at address 050FC293 in module 'Toad.exe'. Read of address 00000008.
  2.7 ID            : {redacted}
  2.8 Count         : 1
  2.11 Sent         : 0

  3.2 Name: {redacted}

Active Controls:
  4.1 Form Class   : TfrmMain
  4.2 Form Text    : Toad for Oracle - [{redacted} - Editor ({redacted}.sql *)]
  4.3 Control Class: TtdDScintilla
  4.4 Control Text :    {redacted}

  5.2 Total Memory    : 17104527360 (15.93 Gb)
  5.3 Free Memory     : 8133001216 (7.57 Gb)
  5.4 Total Disk      : 228535504896 (212.84 Gb)
  5.5 Free Disk       : 42479075328 (39.56 Gb)
  5.6 System Up Time  : 18 day(s), 19 hour(s), 31 minute(s), 14 second(s)
  5.7 Processor       : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40GHz
  5.8 Display Mode    : 2924 x 1646, 32 bit
  5.9 Display DPI     : 96
  5.10 Video Card     : NVIDIA GeForce 210 (driver - RAM 536870912)
  5.11 Printer        : MS Publisher Imagesetter (driver 10.0.17763.1217)
  5.12 Virtual Machine: 

Operating System:
  6.1 Type                : Microsoft Windows 10 (64 bit)
  6.2 Build #             : 1809 (10.0.17763.1217)
  6.4 Non-Unicode Language: English (0809)
  6.5 Charset/ACP         : 0/1252
  6.6 Install Language    : English (0409)
  6.7 UI Language         : English (0809)

Steps to reproduce:
  8.1 Text: 

Call Stack Information:
|Methods |Details|Stack   |Address |Module    |Offset  |Source                 |Unit               |Class                        |Procedure/Method                         |Line                                     |
|*Exception Thread: ID=11336; Parent=0; Priority=-2                                                                                                                                                                  |
|Class=; Name=MAIN                                                                                                                                                                                                   |
|DeadLock=0; Wait Chain=                                                                                                                                                                                             |
|Comment=                                                                                                                                                                                                            |
|7FFFFFFE|04     |00000000|050FC293|Toad.exe  |00F6C293|ComponentCollection.pas|ComponentCollection|TComponentCollection         |Count                                    |122[0]                                   |
|00000040|04     |007FFAE0|06638885|Toad.exe  |024A8885|frmMessages.pas        |frmMessages        |TMessagesFrame               |CloseTab                                 |582[3]                                   |
|00000040|04     |007FFAF8|06638803|Toad.exe  |024A8803|frmMessages.pas        |frmMessages        |TMessagesFrame               |CloseAllTabs                             |562[6]                                   |
|00000040|04     |007FFB14|0663A3EC|Toad.exe  |024AA3EC|frmMessages.pas        |frmMessages        |TMessagesFrame               |SetHostForm                              |1418[4]                                  |
|00000040|04     |007FFB24|07658F77|Toad.exe  |034C8F77|frmToadEditor.pas      |frmToadEditor      |                             |SynchEditorForm                          |5782[33]                                 |
|00000040|04     |007FFB50|07658FED|Toad.exe  |034C8FED|frmToadEditor.pas      |frmToadEditor      |TFormToadEditor              |TabChanging                              |5796[10]                                 |
|00000040|04     |007FFB68|07658DB1|Toad.exe  |034C8DB1|frmToadEditor.pas      |frmToadEditor      |TFormToadEditor              |TabControlChanging                       |5735[1]                                  |
|00000040|03     |007FFB70|04B46160|Toad.exe  |009B6160|cxPC.pas               |cxPC               |TcxCustomTabControl          |PropertiesChangingHandler                |                                         |
|00000040|03     |007FFB80|04B43D4A|Toad.exe  |009B3D4A|cxPC.pas               |cxPC               |TcxCustomTabControlProperties|DoChanging                               |                                         |
|00000040|03     |007FFB8C|04B43D07|Toad.exe  |009B3D07|cxPC.pas               |cxPC               |TcxCustomTabControlProperties|DoCanChange                              |                                         |
|00000040|03     |007FFBA4|04B43C3A|Toad.exe  |009B3C3A|cxPC.pas               |cxPC               |TcxCustomTabControlProperties|CanChange                                |                                         |
|00000040|03     |007FFBC4|04B44B0E|Toad.exe  |009B4B0E|cxPC.pas               |cxPC               |TcxCustomTabControlProperties|SetTabIndex                              |                                         |
|00000040|03     |007FFBDC|04B504EA|Toad.exe  |009C04EA|cxPC.pas               |cxPC               |TcxCustomTabControlViewInfo  |DoSetTabIndex                            |                                         |
|00000040|03     |007FFBEC|04B50D57|Toad.exe  |009C0D57|cxPC.pas               |cxPC               |TcxCustomTabControlViewInfo  |SetTabIndex                              |                                         |
|00000040|03     |007FFBFC|04B4C475|Toad.exe  |009BC475|cxPC.pas               |cxPC               |TcxTabViewInfo               |DoSelect                                 |                                         |
|00000040|03     |007FFC0C|04B4C572|Toad.exe  |009BC572|cxPC.pas               |cxPC               |TcxTabViewInfo               |Select                                   |                                         |
|00000040|03     |007FFC1C|04B4F594|Toad.exe  |009BF594|cxPC.pas               |cxPC               |TcxCustomTabControlViewInfo  |TabDown                                  |                                         |
|00000040|03     |007FFC30|04B42D78|Toad.exe  |009B2D78|cxPC.pas               |cxPC               |TcxCustomTabControlController|TabDown                                  |                                         |
|00000040|03     |007FFC44|04B4255D|Toad.exe  |009B255D|cxPC.pas               |cxPC               |TcxCustomTabControlController|MouseDown                                |                                         |
|00000040|03     |007FFC5C|04B45E6F|Toad.exe  |009B5E6F|cxPC.pas               |cxPC               |TcxCustomTabControl          |MouseDown                                |                                         |
|00000040|03     |007FFC7C|04429B54|Toad.exe  |00299B54|Vcl.Controls.pas       |Vcl.Controls       |TControl                     |DoMouseDown                              |                                         |
|00000040|03     |007FFCA0|04429BA3|Toad.exe  |00299BA3|Vcl.Controls.pas       |Vcl.Controls       |TControl                     |WMLButtonDown                            |                                         |
|00000040|03     |007FFCE8|0442D664|Toad.exe  |0029D664|Vcl.Controls.pas       |Vcl.Controls       |TWinControl                  |MainWndProc                              |                                         |
|00000040|03     |007FFD18|042B7E28|Toad.exe  |00127E28|System.Classes.pas     |System.Classes     |                             |StdWndProc                               |                                         |
|00000040|03     |007FFD30|75AF5CA9|user32.dll|00045CA9|user32.dll             |user32             |                             | (possible AddClipboardFormatListener+73)|                                         |
|00000040|03     |007FFD5C|75AE67B7|user32.dll|000367B7|user32.dll             |user32             |                             | (possible CallWindowProcW+2855)         |                                         |
|00000040|03     |007FFE40|75AE58F6|user32.dll|000358F6|user32.dll             |user32             |                             | (possible DispatchMessageW+566)         |                                         |
|00000040|03     |007FFEB4|75AE56CB|user32.dll|000356CB|user32.dll             |user32             |                             |DispatchMessageW                         |                                         |
|00000040|03     |007FFEC0|0455666B|Toad.exe  |003C666B|Vcl.Forms.pas          |Vcl.Forms          |TApplication                 |ProcessMessage                           |                                         |
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Thanks for the info. That looks like the same error another user here on the boards has reported to me several times and I've not been able to reproduce or identify anything that appears off with the code throwing the AV. I will do some tests with clobs, active grid, and take my db offline to see if I can reproduce.

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