Hi ,
I have installed Toad for Oracle version on my 64bit laptop with windows10 OS.
I have also installed Oracle forms 11g on my machine which connects to databases and works well. To save some space on my machine I was trying to eliminate the need to install another client just for toad and instead use tnsnames of Oracle Forms. Though after setting ORACLE_HOME environment variable the toad login screen shows “SQLNET Editor” and “TNSNames Editor” ticked with green but when I try to connect to database I get error “Cannot load OCI DLL: C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_FRHome1\BIN\oci.dll”.
On browsing online found that one cause of the issue is 32-bit toad installed on 64-bit OS machine. Can anyone confirm if this is still true? if yes then I will go ahead and install 32-bit client.