Doesn't get opened into the automation window, no error alert. Just a spinning windows blue donut for a while, then nothing. Ideas? Same thing whether I try to open using the Open command from TDP or double click on the .TAS file (default file association for which is TDP). Version: TDP 6something, 64 bit.
Can't reproduce, but understanding the complete context/details is always helpful when troubleshooting.
Was the Automation script created in your current version of TDP, or a prior version?
Did the Automation script ever run successfully? When? Under what prior versions of TDP? Under what circumstances?
Is the script simple enough to re-create?
I've seen this happen if the file gets corrupted. open the file with notepad++ and look at it. It should appear as you would expect xml to look. I've also seen the happen repeatedly if the .tas was created on an older data point version that the version you are trying to open it with.
Thx Gary. Took me a while to get a little more info. I have Toad Data Point (32 bit). Another user has the 64 bit. Both I and that user can open the script. The non-working user (who had to get the software re-installed) has the same 64 bit version as the working 64 bit user.
A few things have been tried (none work):
- Creating a new script (automation builder seems to be fouled too- can't drag/drop)
- Taking the contents of the script and putting it in a brand new one.
- Moving the script to a different directory.
When the script opens on the non-working install, I see the Windows spinning blue progress donut for a while and then... nothing. No error message. The TAS window screen doesn't change. It's like I never tried to open the script.
I'd recommend that you (or the "non-working user") open a Support ticket to look into this further. Almost sounds like a corrupted installation (rare, but does happen).