Toad Crashed And Lost All User Files

A couple of days back, my laptop had a improper shutdown and as a result, TAOD crashed. I had named Named SQLs, login and connection settings and other settings.

Is there a way to re-store the settings? User Files folder does not have any files or traces.

Appreciate any help or insight.

Toad version is

Are you sure you are looking at the right user files folder? Look under

C:\Users\YOUR_WINDOWS_USER\AppData\Roaming\Quest Software\Toad for Oracle\12.6\User Files\

Yes, correct, same folder. User Files have been overwritten.


Too bad. If it was never backed up then you are out of luck. :frowning:

Do you have a user files folder from another version of Toad there next to it? Maybe you can at least restore some connections (to do that - copy connections.* from one user files folder to the next, while Toad is not running)

Of have a teammate export their DB connections (if similar or same list as yours) so that you can re-import them in your Toad?

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Thank you all for the valuable suggestions, will try to get the connection details from peers.
