We have versions 5.2 through 5.5 installed on a server and for security reasons need to remove the earlier versions that are using an outdated version of mysqld.exe. When we try to uninstall Toad Data Point it cannot find the TAC.msi and we've scanned the entire server and it doesn't exist, which then begs the question of how we would uninstall any instance of TDP since we never removed any files in the first place. I suspect they were written to a temp folder, but the server cleans those up and they would have been purged. How do we clean this up and remove the mysql vulnerabilities safely without impacting 5.5 which is the present production version?
Wonder if this Support link will help?
Hmmm... sorry that someone let your maintenance expire...
Toad Data Point installation error: ERROR 1935. It is also looking for a 'TAC.msi' file.
Toad Data Point installation error: ERROR 1935. It is also looking for TAC.msi file.
Unable or cannot uninstall and reinstall Toad Data Point Commercial and Trial version. It needs the "TAC.msi" file.
Also getting the error:
Error 1935. An error occurred during the installation of assembly 'policy.8.0.microsoft.VC80 CRT, processorArchiecture="x86",version="8.0.50727.805",type="win32-policy", public keytoken="1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b". Please refer to Help and Support for more information.
Ensure Windows Update is ran and ensure ALL Important Updates and High Priority Updates are installed. This is especially important for new or re-imaged computers. Reboot or restart your PC as well in case there are Windows Updates that got installed already, but still needs a reboot.
Go to Microsoft's website and run their Registry Fix (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/183887), which will scan the system for installed apps, and compare them to apps with uninstall information in the registry.
Note: If there is uninstall information in the registry, applications that either replace, or upgrade the software will not continue (when it cannot find the application on the system).
Also perform a manual scan of the Windows components registry and manually delete references to the Toad Data Point Trial version of the software.
Internal Notes
One customer stated they removed their Office Suite they had and then once it was removed, Toad installed fine. No clue why; but that's what the customer said happened.