TOAD datagrid is not always displaying text in the correct case

Toad for Oracle Professional v

I have a text string that in the database is lowercase, but (sometimes!) when I do a query the datagrid displays it as UPPERCASE (and sometimes it displays it as correct lowercase) . How do I forcethe datagrid to ALWAYS display it as it is in the database?

This query – selecting for lowercase ‘werner’ returns this record BUT (incorrectly) displays the manufacturer as UPPERCASE:

This query – selecting for UPPERCASE “WERNER’ does not return this tool (correctly in this case as werner is lowercase):

In this query – selecting for the tool # displays it as LOWERCASE (correctly):

My question is - How do I force the datagrid to ALWAYS display the correct case ?

As far as I know, you can’t force the data grid to always display upper case. Toad returns the data in the database without manipulation.

As far as the werner/WERNER issue in your where clause is concerned, Toad is is just sending your query to Oracle and reporting the result.

Here is one possible explanation of the apparent case insensitivity:…/f

If you are using the Oracle’s data masking feature/add-on you can also cause something like this to happen. It allows one to specify the rules on how data returned to apps like toad see the data - with common use to mask off data like credit card #'s (************1234), or to apply substitution logic using regular expressions, or to apply functions like upper to the return results. This would happen in the database - so apps like toad would not know.

So are you using Oracle data masking add-on?

That Oracle features is referred to as “redaction” and toad 12.1 has the ability to see if that’s been defined on the table and/or columns. I see you’re only on toad 11 - but I thought I’d add the proper name for people to look up and mention that it is supported in toad for those who want to test drive it :slight_smile:

Your WHERE clause is testing 'werner' against the as_mfgr_code, but your screenshot is showing the manufacturer column. They are two different fields.

On 05/01/2014 02:28 PM, sandy wrote:

TOAD datagrid is not always displaying text in the correct case

Thread created by sandy
Toad for Oracle Professional v

I have a text string that in the database is lowercase, but (sometimes!) when I do a query the datagrid displays it as UPPERCASE (and sometimes it displays it as correct lowercase) . How do I forcethe datagrid to ALWAYS display it as it is in the database?

This query – selecting for lowercase ‘werner’ returns this record BUT (incorrectly) displays the manufacturer as UPPERCASE:

This query – selecting for UPPERCASE “WERNER’ does not return this tool (correctly in this case as werner is lowercase):

In this query – selecting for the tool # displays it as LOWERCASE (correctly):

My question is - How do I force the datagrid to ALWAYS display the correct case ?

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Good eye, Mike!

Good catch Michael - my guess would be to look at that table and you might have eithert duplicate columns - possibly even “virtual columns” where one column is defined as an upper of the other column. I wrote a blog on this a long time ago - have a look see.…/oracle-11g-adds-virtual-columns-amp-indexes.aspx

DOH! Mike is so correct! Thanks for the second set of eyes!