TOAD didn't find TNSNAMES


I try to use TOAD 11.6 32 bit on Windows 8.1 64bit. But after installation software and start toad i can't connect to DB.

I found in windows register oracle root in HMLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Oracle and copy it in HMLM\SOFTWARE\Oracle. But this didn't resolve my problem of connect.

TOAD didn't found tnsnames.ora.

Your Oracle client version is 8.0.6! That is very, very old! You should only be using this client version if you are going to connect to a database version that old. I don’t even know if Toad is going to work correctly with that client version.

I suggest making a TNS_ADMIN variable to solve your problem. This article explains how to do that:…/oracle-connection

John Dorlon, thanx!!!

List of my db aliases appeared in TOAD.

But when i press button “Connect” i see the error message - “ORA-01026: multiple buffers of size>4000in the bind list tips” and nothing happing.

You’re welcome. Remember what I said about Toad maybe not working with the 8.0.6 client any more? I think your ORA-01026 error is shows that. If you need an old client to support old databases, use an Oracle version 9.2 client. If you are connecting to a database 10.2 or newer, then you can use the newest Oracle client, which is 12.2