Had a problem while working on a cutover project. I did not have any rollbacks or commits pending durring my session. I did have 3 connections open at the same time : 2 in the same databasse (different schema) and one open in another database. I was running a query to determine how many records had a particular condition. Upon returning the results we realized the returned records was smaller than it should have been. I was missing records, so I reran the query. Thinking the query was not constructed correctly I gave the query to a colleague and he ran it as it was sent. He retrieved more records than I (he had my missing records). This was concerning since our go-live status was based upon the success of this query. I had to shutdown toad by closing all connections. After the shutdown I was able to retrieve the correct number of records. This happened more than once and on different days. I am not able to reconstruct it because in the prior case we knew what to look for. Now I don’t have the conditions set exactly.
Any ideas???