Toad for Oracle for Mac - Auto Save/Load Workspace does not work

I've the option "Auto save/load workspace" checked, but it does not work like it does on windows.

  1. Click File / Fast Exit
  2. On the warning message, click "Shutdown"
    Now Toad seem to do nothing. The warning message disappears, but nothing else visibly happens.
    Now you can no longer click on anything in Toad. However, the Mac menu bar still works.
  3. Close App (⌘Q)
  4. Restart App
    The connections are restored, but no windows.

Thanks Dirk.

Does it behave ok if you File->Exit instead of Fast Exit?

If I use "File / Exit" it seems to work.

I had a connection with a schema browser and an editor open. A file from the file system was loaded in the editor and an unsaved tab was open.
However, with "File / Exit" Toad asks for the unsaved files whether they should be saved. I have denied this. Then Toad closed properly.

When restarting, the workspace was loaded completely.

However, with "File / Exit" Toad asks for the unsaved files whether they should be saved.

Oh, I know. It's a pain. That's why I added fast shutdown. Seems like the whole problem is that it doesn't work right on Mac, and that's causing the workspace to not get saved. It believe it is solvable.
