When I VPN into our network and then RDP [remote] into my computer from home I receive a thread dump error message. I cannot cut and paste anything because the stack trace is always pasted. When i navigate to Toad it gives me a pop up window saying there are errors. I usually have to hard kill the app, because its not recoverable. If I reopen it its fine. This only happens when I open Toad while in the office and then remote in. If I remote in opening Toad, it works fine in the office. When we had prior versions this was happening all the way back to version 10.
Which version? Toad, Oracle, Windows .... are we speaking.
And I do not understand this:
When we had prior versions this was happening all the way back to version 10.
Does it means that before 10 (and maybe some first versions) this was not a case?
I wouldn't be surprised that your network guys are changing some security policies ... so if it based on application then maybe name should be updated to allow newer versions ...
Thanks for the response. I am using version Toad for Oracle Xpert, on a Window 7 (64) against Oracle 11.3 (?) - most of our dbs are 11.x, but not are all the same version.
Regarding my response of :
“When we had prior versions this was happening all the way back to version 10.”
yes, I started here working with v10, and its been this way since then.
When it fails, I get a nasty stack trace, Toad is still somewhat usable after clicking all the OK error messages. It will continue to fail as I use Toad, and the Win clipboard is not usable since it wants to always paste the stack trace, at least until I restart the app. When I get this error again, I’ll capture the stack trace, and post it somehow to this post.
Thanks again for any help,
I was working from home today and Toad threw an exception. I started Toad logged into my work computer, but now i am rdp into my computer. Here is the stack dump i get.
1.1 Start Date : Fri, 6 Dec 2013 11:44:44 +0600
1.2 Name/Description: Toad.exe - (Toad for Oracle)
1.3 Version Number :
1.4 Parameters :
1.6 Up Time : 5 day(s), 20 hour(s), 38 minute(s), 41 second(s)
2.1 Date : Thu, 12 Dec 2013 08:23:26 +0600
2.2 Address : 04302A3E
2.3 Module Name: Toad.exe - (Toad for Oracle)
2.5 Type : EOutOfResources
2.6 Message : Out of system resources.
2.7 ID : FB850000
2.8 Count : 5
2.11 Sent : 0
3.2 Name : Brookdale Senior Living
3.3 Email:
Active Controls:
4.1 Form Class : #32770
4.2 Form Text : Properties for AppCommon
4.3 Control Class:
4.4 Control Text :
5.2 Total Memory : 8544739328
5.3 Free Memory : 1489530880
5.4 Total Disk : 111612522496
5.5 Free Disk : 30029672448
5.6 System Up Time: 5 day(s), 20 hour(s), 44 minute(s), 51 second(s)
5.7 Processor : Intel® Core™ i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz
Operating System:
6.1 Type : Microsoft Windows 7 (64 bit)
6.2 Build #: 7601
Steps to reproduce:
8.1 Text:
Call Stack Information:
|Methods |Details|Stack |Address |Module |Offset |Unit |Class |Procedure/Method |Line|
|*Exception Thread: ID=4728; Parent=0; Priority=-2 |
|Class=; Name=MAIN |
|DeadLock=0; Wait Chain= |
|Comment= |
|7FFFFFFE|03 |00000000|04302A43|Toad.exe |00172A43|Vcl.Graphics | |OutOfResources | |
|00000040|03 |0048F23C|04302AE6|Toad.exe |00172AE6|Vcl.Graphics | |GDIError | |
|00000040|03 |0048F458|04302B17|Toad.exe |00172B17|Vcl.Graphics | |GDICheck | |
|00000040|03 |0048F524|04307F1B|Toad.exe |00177F1B|Vcl.Graphics |TBitmap |CopyImage | |
|00000040|03 |0048F5A8|04309FA3|Toad.exe |00179FA3|Vcl.Graphics |TBitmap |SetSize | |
|00000040|03 |0048F630|0478517D|Toad.exe |005F517D|cxGraphics |TcxBitmap |SetSize | |
|00000040|03 |0048F69C|0460F40C|Toad.exe |0047F40C|cxPCPainters |TcxPCTabsPainter |InternalPaintTab | |
|00000040|03 |0048F6F8|0461463C|Toad.exe |0048463C|cxPCPainters |TcxPCStandardPainter|PaintTab | |
|00000040|03 |0048F730|0460F94E|Toad.exe |0047F94E|cxPCPainters |TcxPCTabsPainter |PaintTabsRegion | |
|00000040|03 |0048F764|04637723|Toad.exe |004A7723|cxPC | |DoPaintHeadersArea | |
|00000040|03 |0048F76C|04637748|Toad.exe |004A7748|cxPC |TcxPCCustomPainter |InternalPaint | |
|00000040|03 |0048F780|04637CE0|Toad.exe |004A7CE0|cxPC |TcxPCCustomPainter |Paint | |
|00000040|03 |0048F7A4|0435648F|Toad.exe |001C648F|Vcl.Controls |TCustomControl |PaintWindow | |
|00000040|03 |0048F7CC|0476E454|Toad.exe |005DE454|cxControls |TcxControl |PaintWindow | |
|00000040|03 |0048F7E8|0476CEDF|Toad.exe |005DCEDF|cxControls |TcxControl |StandardPaintHandler | |
|00000040|03 |0048F8C0|0476D036|Toad.exe |005DD036|cxControls |TcxControl |WMPaint | |
|00000040|03 |0048F9F8|043506EF|Toad.exe |001C06EF|Vcl.Controls |TWinControl |WndProc | |
|00000040|03 |0048FA44|0476D711|Toad.exe |005DD711|cxControls |TcxControl |WndProc | |
|00000040|03 |0048FA7C|0434B9CC|Toad.exe |001BB9CC|Vcl.Controls |TControl |Perform | |
|00000040|03 |0048FA98|04767EB1|Toad.exe |005D7EB1|cxControls | |dxBufferedPaintControl | |
|00000040|03 |0048FB18|0476D071|Toad.exe |005DD071|cxControls |TcxControl |WMPaint | |
|00000040|03 |0048FC50|043506EF|Toad.exe |001C06EF|Vcl.Controls |TWinControl |WndProc | |
|00000040|03 |0048FC9C|0476D711|Toad.exe |005DD711|cxControls |TcxControl |WndProc | |
|00000040|03 |0048FCD4|0434FD44|Toad.exe |001BFD44|Vcl.Controls |TWinControl |MainWndProc | |
|00000040|03 |0048FD04|04213F8C|Toad.exe |00083F8C|System.Classes| |StdWndProc | |
|00000040|03 |0048FD1C|765562FA|USER32.dll|000162FA|USER32 | |(possible gapfnScSendMessage+818)| |
|00000040|03 |0048FD48|76556D35|USER32.dll|00016D35|USER32 | |(possible GetThreadDesktop+210) | |
|00000040|03 |0048FDC0|76556DE3|USER32.dll|00016DE3|USER32 | |(possible GetThreadDesktop+384) | |
|00000040|03 |0048FE1C|76556E44|USER32.dll|00016E44|USER32 | |(possible GetThreadDesktop+481) | |
|00000040|03 |0048FE58|77CF010A|ntdll.dll |0001010A|ntdll | |KiUserCallbackDispatcher | |
|00000040|03 |0048FED4|76557885|USER32.dll|00017885|USER32 | |DispatchMessageW | |
|00000040|03 |0048FEE4|04447C93|Toad.exe |002B7C93|Vcl.Forms |TApplication |ProcessMessage | |
Modules Information:
|Handle |Name |Description |Version |Size |Modified |Path |
|04190000|Toad.exe |Toad for Oracle | |41763128|2013-05-30 06:40:08|C:\Quest Software\Toad for Oracle 12\ |
|135D0000|oci.dll |Oracle Call Interface | |987136 |2010-04-02 06:42:34|C:\Oracle32\Ora11g\product\11.2.0\client_1\BIN\ |
|13780000|oranl11.dll |Oracle SQL*Net ORANL DLL | |397312 |2010-03-31 06:56:04|C:\Oracle32\Ora11g\product\11.2.0\client_1\BIN\ |
|13800000|orantcp11.dll |Oracle SQL*Net ORANTCP DLL | |217088 |2010-03-31 06:56:10|C:\Oracle32\Ora11g\product\11.2.0\client_1\BIN\ |
|13850000|OraClient11.Dll |Oracle RDBMS Client Library | |3780608 |2010-04-02 07:02:10|C:\Oracle32\Ora11g\product\11.2.0\client_1\BIN\ |
|13C00000|orageneric11.dll |Oracle RDBMS Generic Library | |12615680|2010-04-02 07:03:52|C:\Oracle32\Ora11g\product\11.2.0\client_1\BIN\ |
|14810000|oran11.dll |Oracle SQL*Net ORAN DLL | |4190208 |2010-03-31 06:56:50|C:\Oracle32\Ora11g\product\11.2.0\client_1\BIN\ |
|14C20000|oranldap11.dll |Oracle SQL*Net ORANLDAP DLL | |311296 |2010-03-31 06:56:46|C:\Oracle32\Ora11g\product\11.2.0\client_1\BIN\ |
|14C90000|oraldapclnt11.dll |Oracle Internet Directory Client Library | |1613824 |2010-01-29 04:50:48|C:\Oracle32\Ora11g\product\11.2.0\client_1\BIN\ |
|14E30000|orancrypt11.dll |Oracle SQL*Net ORANCRYPT DLL | |118784 |2010-03-31 06:56:32|C:\Oracle32\Ora11g\product\11.2.0\client_1\BIN\ |
|14E70000|oranro11.dll |Oracle SQL*Net ORANRO DLL | |307200 |2010-03-31 06:56:00|C:\Oracle32\Ora11g\product\11.2.0\client_1\BIN\ |
|14ED0000|oranhost11.dll |Oracle SQL*Net ORANHOST DLL | |34816 |2010-03-31 06:56:40|C:\Oracle32\Ora11g\product\11.2.0\client_1\BIN\ |
|14EF0000|orancds11.dll |Oracle SQL*Net ORANCDS DLL | |7680 |2010-03-31 06:54:58|C:\Oracle32\Ora11g\product\11.2.0\client_1\BIN\ |
|14F10000|orantns11.dll |Oracle SQL*Net ORANTNS DLL | |51200 |2010-03-31 06:56:36|C:\Oracle32\Ora11g\product\11.2.0\client_1\BIN\ |
|14F80000|orahasgen11.dll |Oracle PCW generic Library | |3678208 |2010-04-01 10:53:14|C:\Oracle32\Ora11g\product\11.2.0\client_1\BIN\ |
|15350000|oracell11.dll |Oracle SAGE shared library | |253952 |2010-04-02 02:18:28|C:\Oracle32\Ora11g\product\11.2.0\client_1\BIN\ |
|16930000|QSE.dll |QSE DLL | |2112824 |2013-05-30 07:27:02|C:\Quest Software\Toad for Oracle 12\ |
|597F0000|riched20.dll |Rich Text Edit Control, v3.1 | |473600 |2010-11-20 21:24:28|C:\Windows\System32\ |
|60F00000|oracore11.dll |Oracle CORE Library | |978944 |2010-02-09 17:01:52|C:\Oracle32\Ora11g\product\11.2.0\client_1\BIN\ |
|61400000|oranls11.dll |Oracle NLS Runtime Library | |815104 |2010-02-10 06:03:02|C:\Oracle32\Ora11g\product\11.2.0\client_1\BIN\ |
|614D0000|orapls11.dll |Oracle PLS runtime Library | |4067328 |2010-04-02 07:00:50|C:\Oracle32\Ora11g\product\11.2.0\client_1\BIN\ |
|618C0000|orauts.dll |Oracle CORE UTS PT Library | |9728 |2010-02-09 17:01:42|C:\Oracle32\Ora11g\product\11.2.0\client_1\BIN\ |
|619B0000|oracommon11.dll |Oracle RDBMS Common Library | |2301952 |2010-04-02 07:01:40|C:\Oracle32\Ora11g\product\11.2.0\client_1\BIN\ |
|62930000|GrooveIntlResource.dll| |14.0.6009.1000 |8801120 |2010-10-20 15:45:26|C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\1033\ |
|631A0000|OFFICE.ODF | |14.0.6024.1000 |4297568 |2011-03-17 00:11:16|C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\microsoft shared\OFFICE14\Cultures\ |
|635C0000|GROOVEEX.DLL |Microsoft SharePoint Workspace Extensions |14.0.6019.1000 |4220304 |2011-02-12 00:49:44|C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\ |
|63DE0000|libsvn_tsvn32.dll |Subversion library dll built for TortoiseSVN | |3039512 |2011-10-22 09:16:18|C:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin\ |
|642F0000|orannzsbb11.dll |Oracle SQL*Net ORANNZSBB11 DLL | |1249280 |2010-01-29 04:51:00|C:\Oracle32\Ora11g\product\11.2.0\client_1\BIN\ |
|64630000|oraocr11.dll |Oracle OPSM OCR DLL | |647168 |2010-04-01 08:10:18|C:\Oracle32\Ora11g\product\11.2.0\client_1\BIN\ |
|646D0000|oraocrb11.dll |Oracle OPSM OCRB DLL | |770048 |2010-04-01 08:10:08|C:\Oracle32\Ora11g\product\11.2.0\client_1\BIN\ |
|64790000|oraocrutl11.dll |Oracle OPSM OCRUTL DLL | |40960 |2010-04-01 08:09:58|C:\Oracle32\Ora11g\product\11.2.0\client_1\BIN\ |
|650E0000|oraplc11.dll |Oracle PLC runtime Library | |94208 |2010-04-02 07:00:08|C:\Oracle32\Ora11g\product\11.2.0\client_1\BIN\ &nb
Just a follow up to my stack trace. After I got back into the office today, i am now not getting any of these errors and Toad is responding fine. So it has something to do with connecting remotely over windows rdp.
think that error may solve only people from Dell …who wrote Toad …
“EOutOfResources” error may be misleading and wrong start to debug … if you want to see more please look in stackoverflow.com/…/hunting-down-eoutofresources, where you can see how many problems may be a cause of this error.
So only technical help may help you …
BTW, what VPN you use? Just curios to remember if i meet something on the field …