Hi all,
since I’ve upgraded my Toad v12.12 to v13 I cannot compare editor-tabs with database objects.
This is what I do:
- open connection DB1
- load database object (e.g. a package “TEST_PACKAGE”)
- open connection DB2
- switch the editor instance from DB1 to DB2 using “Switch Session” from the toolbar
- right-click the editor tab and select “Compare To:” -> “Database Object USER.TEST_PACKAGE”
Since upgrading an error message appears: “Unable to retrieve DDL for USER.TEST_PACKAGE”. I also get this when I try to compare the tab on the connection I just loaded the object from.
I have copied my user data via “Utilities” -> “Copy User Settings…” from my previous v12.12. May this be a problem with my configuration or has anybody the same problems?