TOAD freezes by choosing "Debug"

Dear all,

I know that there are several questions and discussions regarding freezing of TOAD.
Nevertheless I didn’t found any solution to fix my problem.

Every time if I select a procedure and select “Debug” my TOAD 7.0 freezeses.

AutoCommit: I’d switched between on and off but that didn’t helps

The only way to get out is to open the task manager and kill the session.

Any idea?

Thanks in advance

Toad 7.0 is 13 years old and was only tested/certified for Oracle 9i. Since now Oracle only supports 11g and 12c, you need to upgrade. Besdies, the only two people who were here in 2001 when Toad 7.0 was created may not be here much longer (we too are getting old), so best to be on a toad version created bysome of our younger and more vibrant developers :slight_smile: