I have an issue with Toad Team Coding that I was hoping a fellow forum member would have some advice on.
We have TOAD version and Team Coding version 7.0 is installed.
TFS and Team Coding is new to our department and I am attempting to set up a sample for the first time. The issue is that when I use Toad and Check out an object (a Procedure, for example), it checks it out in Toad and shows as Checked out in the VCS Dashboard, but an error occured when Checking it out from the VCS (in our case, TFS 2012).
After checking it out in Toad, it, of course, does not show as locked in TFS. When checking in the file using Toad, the file does correctly create a changeset for the modified file in TFS and does, indeed show the changes if viewing the file in TFS.
The issue is that an error occured during check out from TFS and I was wondering if anyone had any advice on what may be happening or what to look for. The error statement from the Toad Output window is below:
15:59:00 Error: Error checking out file: C:_ORACLE_TFS_REPOSITORY\Project X\Development\Release 2.0\Database_Source\ORACLE_PROJECTX/PROCEDURES\PROJECTX.LDL_X_LOAD_PRGRM_SP.PRC.
I am not sure if the ‘odd’ direction of the slash in the path (between ORACLE_PROJECTX and PROCEDURES) listed in the error is the cause or if it is something else. The concatenation of the path doesn’t appear to be something I can control.
Visual Studio/TFS:
I have my Active Workspace defined as: ‘C:_ORACLE_TFS_REPOSITORY\Project X\Development\Release 2.0\Database_Source’.
Toad - Team Coding:
1.) Using ‘Procedures’ as an example, I have highlighted each of them from the Schema Browser and then Right-Clicked…Create Script to save each object to the C Drive Local Directories.
2.) I repeated this for the other object types.
3.) Using ‘Procedures’ as an example, I have set up a code colection as follows:
Collection Type: Database
VCS Project: $/Project X/Development/Release 2.0/Database_Source/ORACLE_PROJECTX/PROCEDURES
Local Folder: C:_ORACLE_TFS_REPOSITORY\Project X\Development\Release 2.0\Database_Source\PROJECTX_PROCEDURES
Object Type: Procedure
Object Mask: PJX_%
Thanks in advance for any help or advice you can provide. I have listed everything I could, but if you have any other questions or need other info, let me know.