I’m using Toad Version
I have a SELECT statement that contains RPAD for each of the piped columns to pull records of fixed length columns from Oracle tables. When I export the result from the Data Grid to a .txt file, however, the export adds a bunch of spaces after the last field. My solution was to preceed it with a “Create table”, first creating a table, and then use the “alter table modify” to change the record length to equal the sum of all of the RPAD’ed columns…then simple do a “SELECT *” and export from the grid using “fixed field spacing” format as before. The results give me good column by column spacing (as always), but even though I’ve modified the record length down to 164, I can stil see 2 spaces add to the last field before the carriage return/line feed. How can I resolve this? The receiving system my extract feeds needs the record length to be 164. Thanks!