Trace file purge

I have a need for a couple of flavors of trace file cleanup/purge (OracleTraceFiles content) configuration in Toad for a couple of reasons:

  1. Citrix profile bloat leads to corruption and sad DBAs. My initial thought is a timed #days retention before Toad removes them.
  2. Manage User Settings|Export User Settings - this is no fun with tons of trace files. Maybe an option to exclude them. They're on the server so I have never needed them hanging around in a profile backup.
  1. Deleting them after a number of days seems reasonable. I can add an option for that so the number of days is configurable. If you set the # of days to 0, then the trace files can go away as soon as TFB window is closed
  2. If we implement #1, this one seems unnecessary, but it seems messy to start excluding certain files types there. Are you doing this to backup settings? Are the automatic backups not sufficient?

I do the automatic backups, but I haven't hd the opportunity to use them to recover after a mass roaming profile failure yet. I've also managed to train the fleet of other DBAs on Export User Settings and Connections backups. I do agree though, #1 would be good enough. I'm in that way more frequently and that would allow for sufficient cleanup.

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Ok I added this to next beta:


  • The default setting is as shown.
  • If "Retain" is unchecked, the file will disappear as soon as Trace File Browser closes.
  • When Toad closes, files in User Files\OracleTraceFiles which are older than the # of days setting (which will considered to be zero if "retain" is unchecked) will be deleted. Empty subfolders will also be deleted.
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