Yes, i did that with cmd . Pinged and saw two service names which were listed by listener . These are CLRExecProc and PLSExecProc if i am remembering it corrrectly .AFter editing my tnsnames.ora file with service name listed by listener and On hitting connect button i got a net8 admin error this time . Tried logon option of oracleservicesXE under services.msc . AFter restarting too , not able to see the results .
Kushal Vedant Mahajan
Subject: Re: [Toad for Oracle - Discussion Forum] Trouble configuring Toad for oracle 9.7.2 commercial with instant client
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2013 19:11:35 +0000
Re: Trouble configuring Toad for oracle 9.7.2 commercial with instant client
Reply by Michael Staszewski
You have a configuration issue. We have work in this area scheduled for Toad 12.1 to assist in resolving these issues.
On Login window, click the TNSNames Editor button. Verify that the host for the TNS names entry you're using is correct. Can you ping that host? In the TNSNames Editor you should also try to tnsping the database. See the lightning bolt icon on the toolbar.
Also, can you connect with SQL*Plus using that same client?
On 07/17/2013 02:52 PM, kushal.mahajan wrote:
RE: Trouble configuring Toad for oracle 9.7.2 commercial with
instant client
Reply by kushal.mahajan
well i installed a 10.1 instant client and it does resolved the problem .
But on connecting i got a ORA 12514 error now.
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