Morning Dennis,
Welcome to Toad.
I assume version 10 of Toad, I'm using 10.6 specifically for what
First of all, go to view->toad options, select oracle->transactions.
Make sure that "commit after every statement" is deselected. It's not
part of your problem, but it will save you much grief in future!
Went through the Create Table dialog defining columns and
data types, pressed the OK button and the script ran. At
that point I couldn't see the table in the Schema browser.
Next, select schema browser -> left hand side. Make sure that you have
selected both options to "refresh the schema browser" - after an object
is created and after an object is altered. That causes the left side to
refresh when you create or alter an object.
OK your way out of options.
Tried again and got an error that the object already existed.
Yes, the table exists already because you ran the script. Unless you
received an error when you ran it, the script worked fine. It's just you
need to automatically (as above) or manually refresh the schema browser.
To do it manually, there are three buttons above the right hand side of
the SB. These buttons have "circular" arrows on them plus another arrow
beneath (Sorry, I can't do a screen shot at present!)
The first refreshes everything in the LHS. If you hover over it, the
hint says "Refresh all objects". That isn't the one you want!
The middle button's hint is "Refresh current list *(Left side of
browser)" This is the one you want. Assuming you have the list of tables
open on the LHS, click this button to refresh the list of tables, et
viola (as the French musician would say), your table will appear.
Assuming, of course, that you have the correct user selected AND you
don't have filters set on table names that will prevent your new table
from showing up.
The other button refreshed the RHS of the SB.
Is it possible to copy / transfer / edit that table so it appears in
Schema? Or should I delete it (how best to do that) and then
re-create it?
No, don't delete it. The table is there in the database, it's just
not showing up in Toad for one or other of the reasons above.
Norm. [TeamT]
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