Unable to connect using SSH Auth

We are attempting to connect to our Postgres 9.6 database in AWS using SSH, which we do with our current tool Postgres Maestro. Below are the Connection Properties we are using:

Connection Settings:

  • Hostname/Port: set to private ip address / port relative to SSH host
  • Database, Username, Password - valid on the host

SSH Authentication:

  • Enable SSH: True
  • SSH host: public ip address of a host that has access to our postgresql database
  • Username: set to valid username on SSH host
  • Certificate Authorization, Enable: True
  • Certificate: points to file of PEM format containing private key, generated with Putty Key Generator
  • Passphrase: set to the passphrase for the private key

Testing the connection from SSH Authentication Tab results in a “Connection has failed. The connection attempt failed.” message. We have confirmed from the SSH hosts auth.log that an attempt to connect using the key was successful and see the connection close down when we exit the Toad Edge application

We have been able to connect to our database through port forwarding by opening a tunnel in Putty and then using localhost as the host string, but would prefer to not have to do this first.

Hi, could you please send us log files located here:
c:\Users[username]\AppData\Roaming\Quest Software\Toad Edge\Data\log4j.log
c:\Users[username]\AppData\Roaming\Quest Software\Toad Edge\Data.metadata.log

If you prefer to send it directly to email, please send them to Miroslav.Stanik@quest.com.

Of course, you can put them also here.

Miroslav Stanik

I have emailed the log files. Thanks!

Thanks, we will investigate it

Hello, I have same problem when using password flow in SSH Authentication. So it looks like there is a problem with SSH tunneling. Toad trying to connect DB without using tunnel.

Same problem here. Have just updated to Toad Edge 2.0.2 Mac version, and same problem with ssh, selecting the ssh-option seems to have no effect. It worked perfectly in 2.0.0 preview version.

Hi, we have fixed this issue, fix will be available in version 2.0.3 (GA in September)
Miroslav Stanik