Using wrong ORACLE_HOME

I just re-installed Oracle Forms/Reports (v11.1.2.2) - I replaced the 64bit version with the 32bit (we were having issue with the 64bit).

After the 32bit installation, TOAD is still pointing to the 64bot ORACLE_HOME in “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ORACLE\KEY_OH66220856” instead of “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\ORACLE\KEY_OH218692153”

Thus I get a “Can’t find OCI.DLL” error.

I can’t find the way to add/select the correct ORACLE_HOME.

Please advice.

On the login dialog, look for a dropdown labeled “Connect Using”. You can use that to choose which Oracle home to use.

Be aware that 64 bit Toad requires a 64 bit Oracle client, and 32 bit Toad requires a 32 bit Oracle client.