Welcome to Toad World Forums

Welcome to the Toad World Forums!

This is your place to:

  • Ask questions (and get answers)
  • Report problems (and get solutions)
  • Help others with your expertise

The Quest Engineering and Support teams are active on the Forums, so you'll be getting help from the product experts and also from other database professionals who use the products.

There are categories set up, so please post new topics in the category for the product you are using.

Please Search (magnifying glass icon) for your question or problem before posting it to avoid repeats.

You will need to login with your Quest account prior to creating a new post or a reply.

The Toad World Forums is hosted on Discourse.

Thank you for the welcome!

Thank you.
I am new here and want to continue with you.

Great forum.
But - is there a way to change my password (and preferably, my email too) in this forum?
I simply cannot find it.