In the comparison matrix between the free and the commercial version ( there is an item named “Live Reverse Engineering”.
What exactly is that? Is that the “Reverse Engineering Wizard”? If yes, what is “Live” about that?
Or is it something else?
Hello there,
Live Reverse Engineering (or as we call it now, the “Object Explorer”) can be found in File Menu | Reverse Engineering | Connections | Open Object Explorer.
Basically, when you open Object Explorer, you are able to browse through objects in your database and simply drag and drop them right into your model. For example, you can select multiple Tables and drag and drop them onto the Entities folder in Model Explorer. These objects will be reverse engineered and added into your model.
Note that this feature only works if your database platform and version is identical to your model database platform and version. Also, you cannot reverse engineer objects already existing in your model - you won’t be able to perform the drag and drop.
For more information about this feature, try searching for Live Reverse Engineering in the application Help.
Thanks, that is indeed quite handy.
It would be nice if I can drag existing entities into the model and TDM would replace it with the new definition.
I just noticed that for Oracle and PostgreSQL, the object explorer doesn’t show SEQUENCE objects. Can I enable them somewhere or is this an oversight/missing feature/bug?
Hello there,
Live Reverse Engineering currently support the following objects for these databases:
Oracle - Entities, Views, Synonyms, Procedures, Functions, Materialized Views
PostgreSQL - Entities, Views, Functions
I guess this is also not supported for SQL Server or DB2 then, but I think this should be added. Sequences are a vital part of the (physical) data model (and materialized views for Postgres as well)