Where is the green up and down to change position of selected attribute?

I’ve just started the trial version and the help file says that there is a green up and down button to change position of selected attribute (in the physical entities properties window).

I do not see this button on my screen. How can I have it there? I want to have control over the sequence of my attributes.


I found the answer in another post. The disabled arrows are to hard to see. Perhaps this could be improved in future versions.



You've probably ordered the attributes by name or any other column. To turn this sorting off, please click the heading of the first column.
The arrows will activate then. (If you place your mouse cursor at the disabled arrows, the hint with instructions should appear.)

In case of any trouble, please write me back. Thanks.



Just additional info on this issue:
If you point your mouse cursor at the disabled arrows, a hint how to enable them should appear.

In any case, this issue will be properly documented, including some screenshots. It will be available in quick search on Index tab in the Help/Manual.

