.56 Editor - pick-list goes blank when typing certain characters

When I’m typing to narrow the pick-lick, if my typing results in a keyword like IS or IN, the pick-list disappears until I type another character.

I'm not sure exactly what you mean here. I started writing a query and the list was always visible. I type...

"select * FROM EMP WHERE ename" and then a space and I get a list of recommendations, one of which is "IN" and I type "I" and then I see "INSERSECT," "IN," and "IS" so I type "N" and I now see "INSERSECT" and "IN."

What exactly are you doing and at which point does the pick list close?


On 03/28/2015 07:17 AM, droeschley_109 wrote:

.56 Editor - pick-list goes blank when typing certain characters

Thread created by droeschley_109
When I'm typing to narrow the pick-lick, if my typing results in a keyword like IS or IN, the pick-list disappears until I type another character.

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I assumed you had already fixed this since it seems to be working fine in the .58 beta I’m using. So please ignore and if it happens again I’ll let you know the specifics.

I think I was able to reproduce the original problem. Please see the attached screenshot.

I’m using the latest beta.


this is still an issue in the .73 version.

For now this is a known issue that will likely be in 12.7. I’ll log it and if something can be done about it quickly (and safely) then it’ll be fixed. The parser is being used to make sense of the statement and “in” looks like it’s being flagged as syntax error because it is not a valid column name. The error, occurring before the from clause, is preventing Code Insight from knowing anything about the table(s) referenced. Other keywords will likely cause the same problem.

The strange thing is, for me it seems to only happen when using the pick-list for SELECT-list items. Does not happen when using pick-list in UPDATE SET or when using it in the WHERE clause.