Hello everyone, I’m working with beta (actually and using editor a lot.
In few words: typing in the editor some new query or pl/sql or simply editing a query (for example to add a comment) I got an Access violation in module ‘Toad.exe’.
I grabbed few EurekaLog, can be useful ?
This issue is annoying because when typing whitout looking the screen often the next key close the error popup and the result is that some character are not written in the editor.
Sorry for my poor english, hope that could be solved.
If you locate Toad.el in your User Files folder and post that it will contain a log of all recent exceptions.
Attached the toad.el file, thanks for your help
Toad.el.txt (3.97 MB)
You have many AVs in that log and most are failing at a single point in the code. I’ve seen AVs come from this area before, but looking at it again today and I think I have made is safe finally. Please grab the next beta (early next week) and let me know if you continue to have problems or if Toad seems to have stabilized.
I’ve tested the new but seems to have the same problem. Attached the new Toad.el
Hope this will help to solve the problem.
Toad.45.el.txt (611 KB)
Thanks for the update. On the bright side, the AV has moved.
The failing routine is largely the same as before, but one is in Toad’s source and this latest is in third party source. I’ve made a change there as well for next beta. Please let me know what comes of it.
Thanks again for your work, waiting next beta 
Again, attached the toad.el of latest 3 errors in just 1 hour and half of work… really hope that this can help.
Have a nice day.
Toad.46.el.txt (184 KB)
Thanks for the update. A pointer to a string is no longer good it looks like. What exactly are you doing leading up to the error (typing, pasting, etc.)? Is there a common set of steps to them or not really?
On Apr 1, 2016, at 5:45 AM, Stevenp bounce-Stevenp@toadworld.com wrote:
RE: Access violation at address 041999E5 in module 'Toad.exe'. Read of address 1DAB6000.
Reply by Stevenp
Again, attached the toad.el of latest 3 errors in just 1 hour and half of work... really hope that this can help.
Have a nice day.
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I’ve taken one more stab at it. Let me know what comes of it. If you’re still having problems I’ll bring in some others more familiar with the code to have a look with me. I’ll be away for a bit, but will revisit when I return.
An update: v. Now is working really better but is not totally fixed yet.
Attached the latest toad.el
Thanks for your work!
toad.48.el.txt (194 KB)
the version works better but the problem is not totally fixed yet.
Attached the related toad.el
PS dunno what happened with my latest post so I reposted!
Thanks for your work!
toad.48.el.txt (194 KB) still has the problem, it appears often when editing sql queries and using backspace to delete characters. Seems to be related to the red icon that appears when there is an error in the query - if there is a way to disable the real time check of the query, I could try removing that to see if the error disappear.
btw this is the new toad.el related with the new beta.
toad.49.el.txt (871 KB)
This is the toad.el update for the version that still has the problem.
Hope this will help you, meanwhile I’ll start to test the build .52
Toad.51.el.txt (4.14 MB)
I just got back to work after some time away. I’m catching up and will revisit this sometime this week. It looks like the fix is not far enough upstream.
Try again next beta ( and let me know how things are. This one should have it licked.
Sorry, but it comes up again…
attached a related toad.el
uops… missing attachment
toad.54.el.txt (61.5 KB)
Your attachment didn’t come through. Can you try once more renaming it to .txt or something?
You can also send me the log file directly offline to michael.staszewski@quest.com if you wish.