Alias Replacement

I was using 12.1.

Just installed 12.10.

I can’t find Alias Replacement (Ctrl-Shift-R)

Is it hidden?

Or does anyone know when it was removed? I’d like to revert to a version that has it.

12.6 is the most recent version to have it.


OK. Been using alias replacement since it was introduced. That must have been over 15 years ago. Big loss for me.

Thanks for the quick response.

It was kind of an obscure feature. Aliases were automatically updated by using Code Insight or manually by editing Aliases.txt. As time went on less and less new users were aware of it, it was never mentioned on the forums, it was eventually left behind by changes to Code Insight, and this is the first peep I’ve heard about it since its removal 2 years ago.

Editor Auto Replace isn’t an exact replacement, but depending on the aliases used it could be. Alias Replacement operated on the token at caret by manual invocation. Editor Auto Replace operates on every token as they are entered and followed by whitespace char. If your alias is something pretty unique like “apo” replaces with “all_purchase_orders” then you would probably be OK using Auto Replace. If any of your aliases are commonly used tokens outside of your alias scope then you’ll have less success. Give Auto Replace a look and let me know what you think. It’s on the Editor|Auto Replace page in Options.

If this doesn’t work we could look at adding manual mode for some auto replace substitutions. Any marked as manual would not be automatically handled, but could be triggered by shortcut just like Alias Replacement of old. I think it would be clearer to consolidate this into existing functionality if Auto Replace doesn’t work out as-is.
