Alter Table Screen Functionality Missing ?

I use Alter table a lot, and it saves a lot of time over SSMS… however…
for the last 4 or 5 releases of Toad for SS, I have had to push the arrow buttons to move columns up and down. Regular SSMS has the ability to multi select columns and move them around, but I can’t seem to do that in TOAD 5.8… am I missing something here ? Isn’t this needed by others… a lot ?

Does anyone know the trick on how to move columns around in the Alter Table screen, other then clicking those up/down arrows so much ?

Thanks, Paul.

Hi Paul,
I’ve created CR107528 to implement multi select in this dialog.

As far as I can see, the only workaround is to move at least one column to another position to call drop/create mechanism and then update script accordingly manually. Not sure it will be faster, but who knows.