I have a task, that when I click the test button it works fine. When I schedule it and either set ahead a few minutes, or right click and start. Nothing happens. The task appears to be pointed to the correct tas file - the start in parameter is correct, I have triple checked the username/pwd and still no results. The report saves an HTML file, then I have that email out. I see no errors in my event logs and task history shows completed. The html file gets updated when I test, but not when the task runs.
I’m using (trial version)
Take a look at my blog posting on this subject.
Hi- I am having the same issue but I am not trying to use the email feature I am trying to simply runt he automation script tp have a series of queries run then export the file onto a shared drive. When I run it in test it works smoothly. When I schedule it- it does not work. The “Scheduled Task” states that it is “running” then it changes the status to blank and nothing exports. Can you help me out?
Hi- I am having the same issue but I am not trying to use the email feature I am trying to simply runt he automation script tp have a series of queries run then export the file onto a shared drive. When I run it in test it works smoothly. When I schedule it- it does not work. The “Scheduled Task” states that it is “running” then it changes the status to blank and nothing exports. Can you help me out?
Try running the script from the Windows task manager. Do so by using the Accessories | System Tools | Scheduled tasks menu. This window will always give you some status of what occured.
You should turn on verbose logging on your script. You can then check the log file to see if the script started or not. Logging levels can be set in the Automation script under the Script settings activity.
I would also experiment with starting other types of tasks. It is possible that your pc is not allowing any application to be scheduled.