Hello, I recently installed TOAD for SQL Server on a copy of Win8 DevPreview, and ran into a with opening the File menu (happens in a few more places too, actually. 3 others, by my count). I don’t have the stack trace here, but being helpful as I am, I did open toad in Reflector and found the problem:
In Quest.Toad.Gui.SendToMenu.GetSystemImages, ShellApi.ImageList_GetIcon sometimes returns an IntPtr.Zero, and so Icon.FromHandle(handle) fails (which is what the exception in the stack trace refers to). Adding a simple check like ( if(handle==IntPtr.Zero) continue; ) fixes the problem.
Question is: when can we expect an official fix for this? Win8 is not even a beta, so I can understand unwillingness to fix anything related to it, but hey, the fix is right here