Can SQLnav remember bookmarks for a file?

It would be nice when SQLnav could remember the Bookmarks for a file that has been reopened.

Now all the bookmarks are lost.

Very often I have to shut down SQLnav and continue my work the next day with the same files.

Also Windows users know what is a forced shut down :)

And we all know that SQLnav crashes a lot. Maybe the v7 does it not so often but it "hangs" (not responding) quite often so I am forced to close it.

Sounds a great idea! I have raised SQLNAV-1549 for it. If we can apply for some rewards to customer who contribute the most to Nav (we are trying on the way), you would be the one Martin. :) BWT we are sorry for the crash, if you could reproduce it by certain steps please let us know. Thanks.