Cannot install Toad for SQL Server 6.1

Toad for SQL Server Freeware v6.1.0.1759

Windows 7 x64

Essentially I see the first screen, I clicked next then the whole installation wizard disappear - no error message, no nothing.

I tried to “Select This program installed correctly to continue installation” as recommended, disable virus scan, run as administrator, different compatibility setting and no available.

Hi e_chow,

do you try to install trial or register version of TOAD for SQL Server 6.1 ?

Have you tried to contact support at ?

Log in to ticket support system and open a ticket. In the past I open 2 tickets and in about 1 hour I receive answer from TOAD’s support…

You problem is very strange. Contact the support engineering probably is the best way to try to solve it.

Best regards.


Hi e_chow,

excuse me for the previous message.

I never see that you reference to freeware version of TOAD and freeware version isn’t support by Dell.

At this point my previous answer isn’t correct.

Best regards.


I’m having the same problem.

Same issue here. Cannot install on Windows 8.1 x64

Same problem (windows 7 64 bit).

If not supported, so please let us know if that version is working on Win 7 64 bit or not.

Thanks in advance !