Changing file order in v9.7.2.5 project manager


Is there a way to change the order of files in the project manager in TOAD
v9.7.2.5. If I drag a file from one project to another I get the message
“Execute scripts in all schemas in destination project?”, which
sounds ominous, and so I always select “No”. Additionally, if I drag
one file on top of another, it does a file difference between the two, and seems
to have no way to drop the selected file above (or below) another file.


Mike McAllister

Principal Systems Engineer

TKC Global, LLC

Phone: 210 652 9229

Cell: 512 423 7447


There’s a toolbar button which lets you enter “reorder mode.” You may have to widen the window to see it.

Excellent, exactly what I was looking for!!! Thanks very much for the