Compare files. viewing issue

Not sure if this is a bug or one for idea pond but using: 32 bit when I compare 2 files the the top left and right windows are not showing the underline character in the source code. Quite unnerving if you have spent a lifetime coding with underline characters?

cant see an option in the options


Will you post a screen shot?

I think the problem is your font. This is how it looks for me. I circled a few underscores. It is still hard to see them on the selected line, but on the non-selected lines, they are easy to see.

Ok I was under the impression I was using a default font. I will try the font options.

I had the same issue, and it appears that if you change the font SIZE to be larger, when you reach a certain point, the lines bleed into each other. I was able to get the underscores to appear with a fontsize of 10, but when I switched to 11 or higher, they vanish. And when i tried a fontsize=16, the lines step on each other.ToadFonts
You can see what happens when i went from 10 to 16. I believe with fontsize=12, the overlap was just enough to make the underscores appear to vanish.
Size 10 is rather small for older eyes :slight_smile: it would be nice to get this fixed so we can increase font size without losing any visibility.

Fixed for next beta.