connect to sybase IQ

Hi, I’m Trying Toad for sybase free edition.

I’m Trying connection to sybase IQ. When you want to connect to sybase IQ then I’m get this error. “SQL Anywhere Error -157: Cannot convert ‘08/10/09’ to timestamp”.

My question is: is possible connection to sybase IQ 15 from Toad for sybase free edition?sybase_iq.png

Hi, did you find the way how to connect to the database?

I have the same problem.

Thank you in advance,


Hi, could you please provide IQ version number? we will do further investigating after get version info (run command: select @@version)

Thank you,


Sybase IQ/ 2/Enterprise Linux64 - x86_64 - 2.6.9-67.0.4.ELsmp/64bit/2010-11-23 10:53:30


I do not use toad. I using ASE ISQL, with the possibility print message on IQ or QweryBuilder (express edition), connecting to ODBC source


Toad for Sybase freeware edition only support ASE, IQ and SA connection should be grayed out, I wonder how you make connection in freeware edition.


Hi Pavel,

There’s no way to make connection for IQ and Anywhere with freeware edition, it only supports ASE. Please have a try with Beta edition, it should allow you to connect to IQ and Anywhere.

Hi Cindy

Thank you for reply.