I’m working on a project with lots of code that follows more or less fixed patterns. I have created a SQL statement that generates all these repetitive sections of code, which is ca. 85% of the entire code base.
When the query has run, I need to copy the column with generated code to an edit window to continue. Like this:
Click result column, Ctrl-Home, Shift-Ctrl_end, Ctrl-C - wait for copy to complete - click to create new edit window, Ctrl-V
It’s not a very big deal, and I guess code generation is too rare to be worth a lot of effort, but would it be feasible to connect the output column directly to an edit window?
Or to have an option when right-clicking the column label to “Copy to editor”.
The other issue is, when copying data from the result grid, it seems Toad is retrieving the results in a row-by-row fashion.
It runs on my laptop at a speed of 100 rows per second. Fast enough for small sets, but slow when you need to copy 10K lines.
(same applies to exporting to excel files, btw)
If it is possible to speed the process up, that would be nnice.