Connection Issue.

Dear All,

I have a connection that I am using the reverse-engineer.

Using the connection details I try to connect and I get the Oracle error ‘ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied’

I can logon using SQL Plus and SQL developer with the same details

I’m using ‘Connection via TCP/IP’, a host, port and a service name.

I cannot use a native client.

Could someone please advise me why this issue is occurring.


Hello Simon,

A few questions:

  • What is your TDM version?

  • What is your Oracle version?

  • In the Connecting section of Reverse Engineering Wizard, do you fill the connection details manually or choose identification from Available Local Net Service Name combobox?
    You might also try the following suggestions:

  • Enter the database IP instead of its hostname.

  • Verify that SID isn’t entered instead of Service Name and vice versa

  • Try checking Use Unicode option
