Connection to other oracle homes

Hi to all,

I am new to using toad for oracle and I have a connection issue. I have a connection to oracle 12 db and working fine. I need to create a new connection to older database that sit on oracle server 8. I had support to install oracle client to install OraHome81, was installed after OraClient12Home, was told it was fine. reboot my machine and when I cannot see the orahome81 in the Connect Using dropdown list.

My question is why I cannot see the all the oracle client on that list and how I can fix this ?Untitled.bmp

  1. Toad does not officially support Oracle 8.

  2. You will need an Oracle client of the same bitness as Toad. If your Toad is 64-bit then it can only work with 64-bit Oracle clients. If you must use this old client then you will need to install 32-bit Toad. If you are already using 32-bit Toad then we need to dig deeper so send your Support Bundle text (Help|Support Bundle).


Thanks for your answer, actually, I have Toad 64 bits and the oracle client 8.1, I assume is 32 bits, since no ones really know here.

We have only 4 licenses and 4 installation, so my question here is if I change for a 32 bit installation, would I need to get a new licence or not ? not knowing it will resolve the problem.


Your license should allow you to use 32-bit. You will need to contact Quest Support or your sales person for help locating the download provided it’s still available.


greatly appreciated



8.1 didn't have a 64 bit flavor so yes, you'll need the 32 bit version of Toad. You can't have them installed side by side but you can uninstall the 64 bit version and install the 32 bit version with the same license.

On Sep 8, 2017, at 10:15 AM, AlBilly wrote:

RE: Connection to other oracle homes

Reply by AlBilly
Thanks for your answer, actually, I have Toad 64 bits and the oracle client 8.1, I assume is 32 bits, since no ones really know here.

We have only 4 licenses and 4 installation, so my question here is if I change for a 32 bit installation, would I need to get a new licence or not ? not knowing it will resolve the problem.


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