Connector to IBM DB2 LUW

I am using Data Point 4.3 and I am trying to create a connection to an IBM DB2 database. When I select that option it states the 64 bit driver isn’t loaded. I then hit ok and it states to follow the KB article to get the driver. I did that and there wasn’t anywhere I saw that showed where the download would be for this driver. Anyone have any ideas on where I get this driver for Data Point 4.3 so I can use it to connect to an IBM DB2 database.


as you mentioned you have ti install client driver from IBM. Easiest way is get your client directly from IBM web site (you have to have account). You can try this link:

For you will be enough download and install only client:

IBM Data Server Client


As Filip mentioned Toad Data Point needs n IBM client to run. Make sure and install a client the is the same bitness as Toad.