Copy user settings doesn't work for named query (Ctrl+N)



Do not know if this is already known but I just recognized it.

When Copy user settings from 12.7 (Full Release) to beta, named queries are not copied. Am I missing something or what?


Damir, this is fixed for 12.8 GA.

In my opinion Copy User Settings is a bit quirky because it keeps your new version files and lays the old version files on top of them. What you end up with is a hybrid of settings from two releases! In this case SQL Recall uses a new filename in 12.8 and since that new filename exists after the copy from 12.7 it doesn't care about the 12.7 SQL Recall statements existing in the defunct file. 12.8 GA will first delete any 12.8 SQL Recall statements and use those from the copied folder in entirety.



On 11/03/2015 10:00 AM, Damir Vadas wrote:

Copy user settings doesn't work for named query (Ctrl+N)

Thread created by Damir Vadas


Do not know if this is already known but I just recognized it.

When Copy user settings from 12.7 (Full Release) to beta, named queries are not copied. Am I missing something or what?



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Thx for reply but do not follow you at all…

I mean what is the workaround?



It's fixed in the GA version of 12.8 to be released soon. In beta, close Toad, delete SavedSQL.xml from your user files folder and perform the copy again.

On 11/03/2015 10:40 AM, Damir Vadas wrote:

RE: Copy user settings doesn't work for named query (Ctrl+N)

Reply by Damir Vadas

Thx for reply but do not follow you at all...

I mean what is the workaround?



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Great. Thx!


I just installed 12.8 GA and I used the Copy user settings from 12.8beta directory, but Toad didn’t create the necessary SavedSQL.xml file. Just a SavedSQL.dat file created in my user setting, which last modification date was 2015.10.08.

I manually deleted the dat files in my user setting and dropbox app folder (ver. 12.8), and copied the right one xml file to the requested destinations.


Now Ctrl+Shift+N (adding new Named query) is no longer working.

I’m not sure how and why, but F8 is also not working anymore…?
I do not know which other key is not working (options shows all OK).

Just for the test, opened 12.7 GA and all works fine (F8 and Ctrl+Shift+N)…Is that release bug or has something with your advice (not found out a s a bug)?

Just noticed that Personal menue entries (under Editor) are also missing … total mess I think!

I removed all “User Files” and start a Toad and again Imprt from 12.7-doesn’t work!

After I reset Menus, I get new menu “Editor|Add to saved SQL” and then I can Add new named query…

Still F8 and Ctrl+Shift+N is not working.

I think there is a bigger problem in “copy user settings part”

but Toad didn't create the necessary SavedSQL.xml file

This is when you are starting from the scratch. If you rename "User Files" folder and start Toad again (previosly close it of course) ... you will have only .dat and .err as you say.

And when I add under same name as I had Then I have in mine personal SQL two entries...and this was not like this before...only one entry is expected

can send SavedSQL.xml file if you needed