Create insert for selected rows

Hah! Yes, retinal detachment is exactly what I’m after!

I don’t know where A.C. is, but I got the shirt here:

They have some really incredible tie dyes.


Atlantic City.

Best regards,

Michael S. Zarzycki, MTS | Manager of Engineering IT | Sensata Technologies,
Inc. | voice: 508-236-1015 | fax: 508-236-3701 | | The World
Depends on Sensors and Controls

Yup, that’s actually 1 more than the entire main R&D team: 5 Developers, 2 QA, 1 Content Manager. We are currently searching for a Product Specialist/Escalations position; a bit of a hybrid support/qa/product specialist position to wear multiple hats, as most of us already do by necessity. See here:

But to be fair to the many who have contributed to the product over the years - and still do - we have folks in other parts of the world which create some of the subsystems, such as Andre who writes the parser we use, and a team in the Czech Republic who have taken over the ER Diagrammer and will be taking over the other diagramming tools such as Query Builder and Code Road Map, because they’re the diagramming experts and they can use technology from their own product - Toad Data Modeler.

But the team size has largely stayed the same the past decade as the customer count and source code count has sky rocketed beyond anyone’s wildest imaginings. In 2001 we had 5 developers. In 2010 we have 5 developers (in addition to the others mentioned). Does that mean we were slacking back then?

It just means that you should ask for a salary increase proportional to the number of customers you had back then compared to now.

That raises an interesting point - where’s all the money going? I don’t
think Toad is appreciably cheaper per copy than it was back then, so
there’s a lot more cash sloshing around somewhere. Who gets it? Should
I buy Quest stock to get a piece of that action?

Nate Schroeder
Monsanto Company

I’m sorry if my previous response was too tongue in cheek, I only meant to
imply that what you were doing/seeing was how it’s done in today’s
version, so you weren’t doing anything wrong.

I’m sorry if my previous response was too tongue in cheek, I only meant to
imply that what you were doing/seeing was how it’s done in today’s
version, so you weren’t doing anything wrong.

Morning all,

I do see your point about the menu - with a product as large
as Toad, it is possible to accidentally lose things, so I
suppose if you implemented something like that, it might
make people like me happy, while causing headaches for some
not-as-powerful-power users.

I had a thought. When Toad is installed prompt the user to choose one of
the following :

  • All context (right-click) menus are Toad default and uncustomisable.
  • All context (right-click) menus are blank - you make them all up

I suppose the context menu customisation screen would allow the user to
set all context menus the same, or only 'this' one, and work in a manner
similar to the toolbar customisation. It could offer a "copy all default
context menus" option as well maybe?

That way, anyone trying to customise a menu would have to accept that it
is their own responsibility and if you don't want to customise, you get
what you are given and you cannot mess with it!

The docs, popups, warnings and help would then note that in the event of
something not working correctly, clear customisations and try again with
the Toad defaults.

Just thinking, not asking!

Norm. [TeamT]

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We always have a choice. That's the key to life. Knowing that we do have a
choice, and all that happens is we alter the consequences.

do we have a choice? How do we know that our "choices" are not pre-ordained? :wink:


Norm. [TeamT]

Norman Dunbar
Contract Senior Oracle DBA
CIS Engineering Services
Internal : 7 28 2051
External : 0113 231 2051

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do we have a choice? How do we know that our "choices" are not
pre-ordained? :wink:

Easy! Watch "The Matrix". :slight_smile:

Rich -- [TeamT]

Disclaimer: Why oh why didn't didn't I take the blue pill?

Nate - Toad revenue has built a vast part of Quest, which has grown through acquisition. It has been called the Louisiana Purchase by the CEO. He got that right!

Anyway, I would like to see a tiny chunk of revenue stream back to the loyal users who made the product so successful. We can’t control pricing but I can move initiatives forward. ToadWorld was originally conceived with this in mind - a way to give back to the users. Although our bureaucracy has gotten thick and paralyzing there are still opportunities to make positive influences. I know the first response is “give us a stable product” and that’s always the first goal but maybe there are other creative ways Quest can improve its services to Toad customers. I think the Support desk is excellent, I’ve never seen any company go so far out of its way to help a customer. I’m talking more about things like our new upcoming Idea Management system, which Melanie will have online very soon, or a much better community area which continues to be a challenge, and an area which I think is greatly under-resourced, and the technology has proven slippery. I think an outstanding example of something to shoot for is what The Motley Fool provides those who have subscriptions to their stock newsletters. But they have a very large IT staff which builds an entirely proprietary system, because they see it as such an important part of what they provide their customers. Again, that vision is one I think we need to adopt, instead of only viewing services like that as a potential revenue or education stream, viewing it entirely as giving back to customers.

I think I drifted far enough. : )


Disclaimer: Why oh why didn't didn't I take the blue pill?
Because that was V-i-a-g-r-a? :wink:

Norm. [TeamT]

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On 6/8/2010 4:44 PM, Mark Lerch wrote:

But the team size has largely stayed the same the past decade as the customer count and source code count has sky rocketed beyond anyone's wildest imaginings. In 2001 we had 5 developers. In 2010 we have 5 developers (in addition to the others mentioned). Does that mean we were slacking back then?

I'm not sure that having more customers then 10 years ago would go hand
in hand with an increase in developer head count. Even though Toad has
increased in functional areas some of those were off loaded to other
groups like you said with the ED diagrammer.

The only thing I would expect to increase in head count is support and
QA. For support every 100 new customers you add you will always find
half dozen that like to call support and most of those calls are PEBKAC
calls. At my company we have 4 developers and 5 support people. We
deal with insurance adjusters and most of them are not the most computer
savvy people on earth. Just helped our new support person out yesterday
with a call after he was on the phone with a guy for 20 minutes trying
to get a report to run and couldn't figure out what the problem was.
After a minute on the phone with him it turns out he had his popup
blocker on. doh!



half dozen that like to call support and most of those calls
are PEBKAC calls.

We call them PICNICs. Problem In Chair, Not In Computer! :wink:

Norm. [TeamT]

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Equipment smarter than operator.

I am still partial to calling them ID-10-T errors

Joseph E. Meyers I
Banner Support Specialist / Adjunct Lecturer
Cayuga Community College
197 Franklin Street T331
Auburn, NY 13021
(phone) 315-255-1792 x2270

All of these acronyms are funny (and I am a developer), but I don’t know of another program that I use that frustrates us more with the changes between versions. Every time. Everyone on my team.

The alteration of the contextual menu now costs me a great deal of time when trying to generate complicated select statements with many large tables. I appreciate a drive for consistency, but the action console approach costs me important functionality (as implemented.) As far as consistency, why can I select columns in the schema browser but the selection is now ignored when I “Generate Select Statement”? Why do I not get the “Action Console” choice when I select an object in the schema browser? I presume because it makes sense for it to be different there as it is a particular context. Why not leave the specific generate statement options over on the right side of that same window, as it was? And the generate statement options are not available in the describe table window any more. They were consistently available between the schema browser and describe window “back in the day”.

What version are you using? For me, “Generate Select” does not
ignore column selection – it creates the select with only the columns you
have selected, and if you haven’t selected any, then the statement has
all columns.

I’m running When I select multiple columns in the right side of a schema browser window there is not contextual menu option for “Generate statement” on that side of the window, so I go to the object list and choose it. The resulting statement includes all rows (unfortunately in alphabetical rather than ID order.) I also cannot find the action console when in a describe table window. I have to type the table name in an editor and right-click on it.

Belay my last comment - or part of it. This might be a PICNIC problem, because I tried it again after posting and it does seem to allow me to include only selected columns. I’ll dig further. The inability to get to the “Generate” commands from the describe window still stands - perhaps until I try that again after posting…