Hello Expert,
I just updated Toad for Oracle from version 10 to the latest version and I discovered that the crtl+enter on sql editor sometimes does not work as before (execute the query at the cursor).
It seems it happens when there is a TAB in the command:

But if select all the query and hit ctrl+enter it works.
Did you encountered the same? Do you have a solotion or a work around?
Welcome to the Toad for Oracle forum!
I'm not seeing this behavior, at least in version 15.1 (latest GA version). Ctl-Enter does still work, although I noticed that it is no longer listed in Toad's master Menu Shortcut Keys list in the Options base. BTW, another shortcut key that executes a query at your editor cursor is Shift-F9, per snap below... have you tried that also?
I did notice that the keyword FROM is highlighted in your screen snap above. If you happen to highlight a portion of your script code, Ctl-Enter (Shift-F9) will attempt to execute what you highlighted, which in this case is not a valid SQL, and hence the error message from Oracle.

Shift+F9 gives me the same result. Note that the FROM keyworld is higlight by Toad after the error.
I have Toad and I tried the same on several laptop.
On longer query I have different errors (i.e. ORA-01756: quoted string not properly terminated).
And I just discovered that this works:
select sysdate from dual --test
This works with the cursor at the end of the line or in any position within the line:
select sysdate from dual
This works with the cursor at the end of the line or in any position within the line:
select sysdate from dual --test
This works highlighting the entire line:
select sysdate from dual
This doesn't work with the cursor at the end of the line or in any position within the line:
select sysdate from dual