Hi there.
I used to use TOAD for Oracle 32 bits and liked to run my statements with CTRL+ENTER. Now I installed the 64 bits version but I cannot use the CTRL+ENTER shortcut anymore, at least not like it was before. On my previous version the CTRL+ENTER was associate with the Execute Statement command, but in this new installation it seems that it’s a shortcut for Execute Snippet. The difference between these two commands, you ask? The damn empty lines in the SQLs!
Executing an SQL with blank lines as statment make the empty lines ignored, but running it as Snippet returns an error. So I just went into the options and assigned the Execute Statement to CTRL+ENTER, but it keeps executing my SQLs as Snippet, that means it keeps failing with empty lines. Using the default shortcut F9 runs fine, it ignores the blank lines and my SQLs run perfectly. The weird thing is that I see in the options that Execute Snippet is assigned to Shift+F9. Why the CTRL+ENTER keeps running it as Snippet even though I see no conflict when I assign it to Execute Statement?
When I select the whole SQL (with blank lines) it doesn’t matter if I run it as Statement or a Snppet, it always ignore the empty lines, but it’s not pratical when we have statements fo 200+ lines…
So, what am I missing here? How can I have the CTRL+ENTER shortcut run SQLs with blank lines without having to select them?