This relates to Beta of Toad for Oracle.
From within the source editor I requested a Describe pop-up on a table using F4.
The pop-up appeared all-right, but refused to close.
It does minimize, though. So it’s more of a nuisance than a problem.
Would be nice if fixed… 
Kind regards,
Abe Kornelis
Hi Abe,
For me, the describe windows close when I click the red ‘X’. It might not close right away if it’s in the middle of doing something that can’t be cancelled (such as loading of a script tab). Could that be it?
Well, if it’s busy for 10 seconds I’d be with you. After ca. 10 minutes I decided to restart Toad. That solved the problem.
I’m sorry to the extent that I have no clue how to recreate the issue.
Kind regards,
was there any error coming from the describe dialog before you tried to close it?
unfortunately, no. The pop-up held only a single table definition, consisting of 6 columns, 1 index and either 0 or 1 check constraints.
Nothing that one might expect to cause a lot of work in the background.
Kind regards,