EDIT command misbehaving

This was quite a scary Monday morning...

edit member where mbr_id = 300457

→ no rows returned (incorrect)

select rowid, member.* from member where mbr_id = 300457

→ 1 row returned (correct)

next attempt:

edit member where mbr_id >= 300457

→ 500+ rows returned, among which... uhm... MBR_ID 238495, 237283, ... ?!?

select rowid, member.* from member where mbr_id >= 300457

→ 12 rows returned (correct)

  • TOAD 16.2.98
  • same behavior with both direct and Oracle 19 Client connections

Thank you for reporting this.

As you probably know, EDIT is not a real SQL command, so Toad changes it to real SQL behind the scenes.

There was a change in 16.2 that allows EDIT command to be multi-line (so WHERE can be on the next line, etc). We rely on the parser to do this. But in your example, MEMBER is a reserved word, and the parser doesn't know what to do with it. If you run it with F9, you get a SQL error. If you run it with CTRL+Enter, the first digit of the literal at the end is getting cut off. You can see this with spool sql.

This was fixed for version 16.3.

Super, thx for the quick and most useful reply!

Now I not only understand what happened and know it will be fixed in the next release, but I also learned how I could have investigated myself with the spool sql feature (which I don't use enough) :+1:

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