Editor Messages tab

Hi. I noticed a few weeks ago that the messages in the Editor’s Message tab now include the entire sql script that I ran. Is this a setting that I changed? I relied on the short 2-3 lines that allowed me to double-click and go directly to the line that caused the error. Can someone tell me how to get the short message back?


Oh, and I’m on TDA

I don’t know of any changes to this area. If you right click on the message tab you can change to text output. Perhaps you did that by accident? Turn that off if it is.


Thanks, Debbie. I don’t get a menu when I right-click on the messages tab.


Nothing is disabled in any of the builds. (Your not using Freewar are you?)

Here sreenshot. Make sure your mouse is on the message row.


Yea!! Thank you. That did it. It’s amazing the difference something like that makes.

Thanks, again.